Happy Loveuary

A Message From The Council

"Dear Ones,
Can you see and feel the love within and around you? Oh, it’s there. In every minute, of every day. You, Sweet Spirit, are all love. Isn't that beautiful?  You. Love. All of you, in love. Oh yes, the limited thoughts may percolate and start to well up with excuses about the ability to love and be loved. Those are lower mind beliefs and not true.  And, not worthy of you. Let any negative thinking flow through you. Don’t stop the thoughts, then hold them and give them attention. Let negative thinking roll on by. Beneath the lies you have been told and the lies you tell yourself, we want to remind you of You.  So much beauty, so much light, so much love, is you. If only you could see you like we do.  Wondrous and magnificent. A shining light, iridescent, an essence to behold for sure! Feel the love within you expand. Allow the love in you to fill you. Don’t let doubt and fear hold you back. Not you, Beautiful One. You are unmatched. You are more capable than you can imagine. There really is nothing you can’t do. All of this and more is within you and ready to shine."

The Council's New Year Message

I channeled The Council and asked what they would like to share for the new year. This is the message that flowed to me.

“Dear Beings of Light, it is a new day, a new year. Don't let the numbers and time trip you up. Every second, every minute, every day, is an opportunity for growth and the creation and motivation for a 'new' you. There is nothing wrong with the 'old' you. People get excited with the new year and creating.

We offer you the perspective of seeing yourself as divinely perfect everyday. The new year or new season is certainly a nice reminder to eat better, exercise more, create more, start something new. But, certainly you can do this anytime.

We send love and blessings always. We invite you to do the same. Send love to yourself. Take the time to care for you. Of course, we know you want to help others and share your positive vibration with family and friends. But, we invite you to care for you too. There is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself for a moment. Then, you will have creative, loving energy to share with those around you.

Begin the new year with a new perspective and stand in The Light. See all things within and of Divine Light. Shine and radiate it always. Of course, human experience may dim your light. The clouds may cover the sun or it may rain on your parade. But, does that matter? No. You are still light and love. Your light can't go out. It is impossible. You are of Creation. Do not discount this. No amount of dimming or raining or darkness can put out your light. You are part of The Eternal Flame and no thing can extinguish it. Shine bright, Dear One. Shine in all you do.

Choose to be the sun on a stormy day. Be the flower that grows amongst the weeds. Be the sweetness amongst the salt. Be the inspiration amongst the negative. Be The Light in the dark. Just be.”

Love is within you

Hello and thank you for visiting my website today. Recently, I have been doing a lot of Automatic Writing and I am finding it a great release. Writing allows me to capture my swirling thoughts and get them on to paper. I often find things are not so out of control when I see them written out. When I am anxious, writing allows me to have a conversation with my ego. My Higher Self is far more loving and through my writing I am able to connect with self love, quieting the chatter of my ego's loud voice. This is a kindly reminder to myself  that my first thought is not always the truth. 

Perhaps you have found stress and anxiety creeping in to your space?  I hope that you too can find useful tools for balancing and centering yourself. My go-to tools for unsettling times are mainly meditation and Reiki. I have incorporated Tapping into my routine and Automatic Writing is now proving to be very helpful when my mind wants to go into anxiety mode. As the quote states in the photo above, I can choose to forgive and let go of my patterns. It is a form of love, to myself and others, when I can be present, mindful, and kind.

Over the last two months of Automatic Writing, I have filled up one journal and the insight I have received is so loving. My guides have reminded me of how filled with love and light we all are. Love and comfort are always within us and can not be taken away. When I do things with love in my heart, my day flows more smoothly. I am reminded how unproductive low vibration emotions like worry and fear really are.  Of course, these thoughts come in to my mind when I am faced with challenges. But, we each have the power to choose a higher vibration emotion in response to our challenges. We are meant to enjoy life and do what fills our heart.

Writing is becoming my favorite means for dealing with stress. My writing invites me to be creative and to put love and light into everything that I do. This inspired writing has reminded me that whether it be cooking myself a meal, going for a walk, talking with a friend, or sharing this newsletter, I can add love to it. In one meditative writing, the words flowed and I found myself guided to write, "We are here to remind you to see the beauty in all things. To run and laugh and enjoy all that life offers. You are never alone. You are of grace and for grace."

In another journal entry I was guided to write, "We come from near and far to remind you of who you really are, so filled with love and so filled with light it really can not be contained. But, you see yourself as small and that is not who you really are at all. Let your light shine. Shine bright, Dear One. Shine bright."

Wow.  What beautiful messages to receive!  I want to share this with you because the messages are universal and can apply to all of us. We are all bright shining lights. We are meant to shine our love and light with ourselves and with each other.   

Today, I directed my question towards my guides and asked, "What can you share with me today?"  This is the response I received:

"Dear One,
You are a being of love. Love surrounds you. Love is you, of you, for you, and because of you. No one and no thing can take love from you. Love can't be changed or altered. It just is. Love has no conditions. Love has no circumstances in which it demands or makes demands on yourself or another. Love does not barter or command. Love has no expectations of you or another. Love is the quiet voice within you. It is the all knowing that wants what is best for you every minute of every day. Love is the good in all things. Love is what you feel when your heart opens and you are understanding of all things in yourself and everyone. Love knows no bounds. It is eternal. It always has been and it always will be. Love is in everyone. We all share a piece of love. Today, share love with yourself and everyone."

I went on and asked a more specific question of my guides. "What words of wisdom and encouragement can I share in my August newsletter?"
“Dear bright and shining beings,
You are blessed beings. You are of love and for love. We have so much love for you it is immeasurable. And, you have that much love within yourself. Yes it is true! No one and no thing can take love from you. It is in you, in every cell. Nourish it and feed it with more love. Love is within you, not from something or someone outside. Your peace and joy is within. Go inward when you need resolve, problem-solving, and compassion. Go inward for your answers. Call on love and grace for support. We are The Council and we love you."

I believe we are all channels of higher wisdom. It is the soft, loving voice in your mind that encourages you and expresses love through you. We just need to quiet our minds enough to hear it. We can become so entangled in daily life this guidance can easily go unheard. I hope my sharing here brings joy to your heart and the inspiration to follow your own loving, inner guide. 

I wanted to share this message with you so that you too can connect to the love within you. From your loving perspective, in what ways can you be creative and shine your own love and light? I hope you can make time today to extend love and kindness to yourself and those around you. 

Relax your mind

Years ago, I was introduced to meditation as a relaxation technique. A friend gave me a cassette tape with guided exercises to relax the body and mind. My initial thought was, “How will I ever be able to relax my mind?” My mind’s constant chatter was a distraction. But I kept listening and practicing.

Eventually, with practice and determination, I began to quiet my mind’s chatter. I gained confidence with the practice and I began to take meditation classes, in which I learned grounding techniques. I started to find balance within myself.

I found belonging to a class with guided meditations worked well for me. With my teacher’s guidance, I felt able to raise my consciousness higher than when I first began meditating on my own. Now, when I meditate alone, I find it easier to align with unconditional love and remember we are all one. I am left feeling lighter and at ease.

Recently, I listened to a Reiki meditation I have on CD that is intended for problem-solving. The issue I wanted to work with was resentment that I had felt with another’s behavior. I was annoyed because the behavior was not in alignment with my own. I had dropped into judgement and I was causing myself frustration. I allowed my ego to get out of control.

I presented this issue during the meditation, and as I connected with higher wisdom, I was guided and reminded to see this issue in a different light. The message I received was that I was trying to impose my will on the other person. As we humans tend to do, I perceived that I knew a better way to behave. Really, I am only responsible for my own behavior. My purpose is peace and I remembered to extend it to myself and those around me.

The next thing I was reminded of during my meditation was to appreciate being in a physical body. I was shown that I could get more enjoyment from my day, even with the smallest of tasks, if I connected with my senses. If I am writing, I can choose to appreciate the feel of the pen. When I am looking at something, I can choose to appreciate the sight of it. When music plays, I can enjoy the sound of the instruments.

Breaking things down so that I can appreciate even small tasks helps me feel joy instead of frustration. I can choose to be happy in my day, or I can choose to feel annoyed. The lessons I was shown during my meditation were simple, and they reminded me to look at things in a more enjoyable way.

I am now offering Reiki Intention Meditations. An Intention Meditation is a guided meditation that may offer you healing, guidance, and release of unwanted emotions. I lead you through the meditation while sharing Reiki. Feel free to contact me for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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