Relax your mind

Years ago, I was introduced to meditation as a relaxation technique. A friend gave me a cassette tape with guided exercises to relax the body and mind. My initial thought was, “How will I ever be able to relax my mind?” My mind’s constant chatter was a distraction. But I kept listening and practicing.

Eventually, with practice and determination, I began to quiet my mind’s chatter. I gained confidence with the practice and I began to take meditation classes, in which I learned grounding techniques. I started to find balance within myself.

I found belonging to a class with guided meditations worked well for me. With my teacher’s guidance, I felt able to raise my consciousness higher than when I first began meditating on my own. Now, when I meditate alone, I find it easier to align with unconditional love and remember we are all one. I am left feeling lighter and at ease.

Recently, I listened to a Reiki meditation I have on CD that is intended for problem-solving. The issue I wanted to work with was resentment that I had felt with another’s behavior. I was annoyed because the behavior was not in alignment with my own. I had dropped into judgement and I was causing myself frustration. I allowed my ego to get out of control.

I presented this issue during the meditation, and as I connected with higher wisdom, I was guided and reminded to see this issue in a different light. The message I received was that I was trying to impose my will on the other person. As we humans tend to do, I perceived that I knew a better way to behave. Really, I am only responsible for my own behavior. My purpose is peace and I remembered to extend it to myself and those around me.

The next thing I was reminded of during my meditation was to appreciate being in a physical body. I was shown that I could get more enjoyment from my day, even with the smallest of tasks, if I connected with my senses. If I am writing, I can choose to appreciate the feel of the pen. When I am looking at something, I can choose to appreciate the sight of it. When music plays, I can enjoy the sound of the instruments.

Breaking things down so that I can appreciate even small tasks helps me feel joy instead of frustration. I can choose to be happy in my day, or I can choose to feel annoyed. The lessons I was shown during my meditation were simple, and they reminded me to look at things in a more enjoyable way.

I am now offering Reiki Intention Meditations. An Intention Meditation is a guided meditation that may offer you healing, guidance, and release of unwanted emotions. I lead you through the meditation while sharing Reiki. Feel free to contact me for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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